3, Hatch 3, Robin 3, United Nations 2, Jane 2, Gandhi 2, Los Angeles 2, Greenland 2, Australia 2, U.s. Jane Goodall had always had a passion for animals including insects. TOPIC FREQUENCY Us 20, Jane Goodall 5, China 4, Captivity 4, Africa 4, U.n. In Jane Goodall’s scientific essay, Hope for Animals and Their World she uses diction to demonstrate her point of view with American burying beetles due to her childhood and adulthood experience with nature. Jane Goodall, founder of the Jane Goodall I This event on September 9, 2009, in Georgetown University's Gaston Hall was co-sponsored by 10 university and student groups. She also responded to questions from members of the audience following her remarks.

Children from the local Washington chapter, accompanied by music, flew a giant peace dove puppet made from recycled sheets, promoting the United Nations International Day of Peace. She also talked about the Jane Goodall Institute's Roots and Shoots network, which helps young people identify problems in their communities and take steps to solve them. Goodall described several people around the world who were successfully saving endangered species. Goodall opened her talk with the call of a chimpanzee.

Jane Goodall talked about her book "Hope for Animals and Their World: How Endangered Species Are Being Rescued from the Brink" (Grand Central Publishing September 2, 2009).